Home Styles
When selecting your Home Style, you can be overwhelmed with the many choices. While searching, try to think about the furniture and artwork you’ve selected. Consider the surrounding homes in your area. Do you want to be similar or unique? Is the maintenance a big factor or is the detailing more important? Do you want a timeless style or do you want something different with modern characters? Do you want something more rustic? Or are the clean lines, with little fuss, more important? Sometimes elements of both can be used to make your style transitional.

Design Tips:
- Try to focus on individual components first. While looking at pictures, try to document the items you like most rather than an overall style. We might be able to narrow down your style by seeing things you like most often.
- Although material colors and finishes are important, try to focus on the structural elements of the rooflines, windows, and size of the main portions of houses. This might help direct us to the overall look you desire.
- Entry porch and door can be a big influence to a particular style.
- Do you like structures that are one large building or are you drawn to multiple structures?
- The front elevation is important for establishing a particular style. Sometimes we can transition from historical street style to a resort looking rear style.
- Don’t be bogged down on the overall elevation for your style. We can refine it by looking for individual items you like to define a style later.
Bonus Tips:
- Windows can be a great influence on the style overall. Try to study the windows and how they’re placed into the surrounding structure.
- Exterior materials set the tone for historical to modern and everything between. Try to pick out materials you like most often and stay focused on that.
- Try not to focus on landscaping too much. Although landscaping can be a big influence, or embellishment, it can distract you from choosing a particular style.
- Our goal here is to find the theme that makes you feel excited and proud. Try not to pick something that is trendy and keeps you from being happy for the long term.